Ensemble Datasets

Each dataset can be downloaded in a compressed folder format from a link at the end of the description. See file “readme.txt” within the folder for more information on the datasets.

Ensembles of Curves

This dataset contains various ensembles of curves, including hurricane paths and brain tracts. This data appears in:
Mirzargar, M., Whitaker, R.T. and Kirby, R.M., 2014. Curve boxplot: Generalization of boxplot for ensembles of curves. IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, 20(12), pp.2654-2663.
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Ensembles of Contours

This dataset contains ensembles of isocontours that are synthetically generated and from fluid dynamics. This data appears in:
Whitaker, R.T., Mirzargar, M. and Kirby, R.M., 2013. Contour boxplots: A method for characterizing uncertainty in feature sets from simulation ensembles. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 19(12), pp.2713-2722.
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Ensembles of Aligned 3D Brain MRI Images

This dataset contains two ensembles of aligned, segmented brain images. The images are 128x128x128 voxel labelmaps in which each voxel is identified as part of an anatomic region of the brain or exterior region by using an associated integer label. This dataset appears in:
Raj, M., Mirzargar, M., Preston, J.S., Kirby, R.M. and Whitaker, R.T., 2016. Evaluating shape alignment via ensemble visualization. IEEE computer graphics and applications, 36(3), pp.60-71.
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Ensembles of Packet Paths on the Internet

This dataset consists of several ensembles of packet paths on the AS network. These path ensembles are snapshots from the Oregon Routeviews server which also receives AS path information from many other peer servers. Each snapshot contains a set of AS paths from the peers that share the same source AS and destination IP prefix. The AS graph is the union of all nodes and edges that were seen at any point during the year 2013. This dataset appears in:
Raj, M., Mirzargar, M., Ricci, R., Kirby, R.M. and Whitaker, R.T., 2017. Path Boxplots: A Method for Characterizing Uncertainty in Path Ensembles on a Graph. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 26(2), pp.243-252.
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Hurricane Prediction Datasets and Software

The following link is to a Git repository containing hurricane prediction datasets from the National Hurricane Center as well as the research code developed for all of our projects involving hurricane prediction visualization. These include:

  • J. Cox, D. House, and M. Lindell, 2013. "Visualizing Uncertainty in Predicted Hurricane Tracks", International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, 3(2):143–156.
  • L. Liu, M. Mirzargar, R.M. Kirby, R. Whitaker, and D. H. House, 2015. "Visualizing Time-Specific Hurricane Predictions, with Uncertainty, from Storm Path Ensembles", Computer Graphics Forum, 34(3), pp 371–380.
  • I. T. Ruginski, A. P. Boone, L. M. Padilla, L. Liu, N. Heydari, H. S. Kramer, M. Hegarty, W. B. Thompson, D. H. House, S. H. Creem-Regehr, 2016. "Non-expert interpretations of hurricane forecast uncertainty visualizations", Spatial Cognition & Computation.
  • L. Liu, A. Boone, I. Ruginski, L. Padilla, M. Hegarty, S. H. Creem-Regehr, W. B. Thompson, C. Yuksel, and D. H. House, 2017. " Uncertainty Visualization by Representative Sampling from Prediction Ensembles ", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
  • L. Liu, L. Padilla, S.H. Creem-Regehr, S., D. House, 2018. "Visualizing uncertain tropical cyclone predictions using representative samples from ensembles of forecast tracks. ", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
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